Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dad is FUN

Dad is the best. He is super awesome and teaches me fun things like how to hold worms and cast a fishing rod, how to ride a tricycle, and how to say funny things like "hey, what's the big idea?". He loves me all the time even when I am being a stinker and screaming and talking back. He tells me how wonderful I am all the time. He encourages my silliness and will always shake his booty with me. He is the best tucker inner and says the best prayers at night - he is always praying for everyone else and never himself. He gives me suckers when I go poop. He listens. He is the best hugger ever. He designs really neat t.shirts. He ROCKS!

Love, Sadie

Monday, May 3, 2010

Spring time is the best time

Happy Spring!

We have been having so much fun this spring, I just have not had the chance to post anything.

Our lives are pretty crazy right now, but I can't complain. Kurt is working steadily at Amway and has a few other clients that keep him up until 1 or 2 a.m. On top of it all, we are getting ready to launch Pirates & Pigtails with 5 t.shirt designs. I am so excited I can hardly stand it. For me, work has been madness and it's been an adjustment with Kurt working at Amway full-time. Let's just say that we used to eat at around 5:30 and now we are lucky if we eat by 7.

Baby D#2 is doing great - growing big and mama is growing right along with him/her. I feel fantastic and am in the utopia stage of pregnancy - tons of energy, people commenting how cute you look, feeling great, and of course that glow (or maybe it's just sweat from this hot weather we've been having)!

Enjoy some pictures from this spring....

Way back during Easter:

...And then it was Uncle Eric's birthday. Yummy, Arnie's cake. Sadie loves to eat the frosting first - hmmm, she truly is a Devlaeminck!, we went to Traverse City to spend some time with Lisa and the family. We had so much fun and Sadie even drew her first blood. She ran for the big girl swing and dove onto it with her belly and overshot and ended up face first in the mulch. It was truly a horrifying sight, but just a little bloody nose and some scratches (as you can see on the last pic). She's a tough little cookie.

Monday, April 5, 2010


We had our 20 week ultrasound last week and baby d#2 is doing fantastic. We are old school and wait until the moment when the baby takes her first breath to find out what he is. The ultrasound tech did mention one thing...'wow, long legs' - well, imagine that!

So, what do you think we're having? Put the old wives tales to work and cast your vote for boy or girl on our blog.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Kurt's folks just returned from a wonderful trip to Hawaii and they look tan and relaxed! They had a great time and said it was beautiful and sunny every day. Now, that sounds awesome.

Sue made this beautiful fresh flower headband for Sadie and carried it all the way back from Hawaii. Sadie did not want it on her head, so we only got this one shot. It was so thoughtful of Susie to do that - thank you so much for the lovely gift, it is gorgeous!

We are really glad to have them back and Sadie missed them tons. Welcome back to the cold weather, guys :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Could it be spring? So many good things!

The sun is shining and it is above 20 degrees - could it be springtime in Michigan? I sure hope so. This winter has been pretty long for me, but I am ready to shed those dark, wintery blues for warm days, sunshine, and lots of ice cream!

It's been a while since I last posted, so just wanted to share with you what is happening in our lives.

First and best - we are expecting baby D #2 in mid-August. Things are going really well and after a very fun (I am being sarcastic here) first trimester, I am finally feeling better and getting my energy back. We are so excited to be experiencing this again and can't wait to meet the little one. And for all of you that want to know what we're having... It's a BABY! You'll have to wait until August :)

Second and pretty cool - Kurt is doing awesome and is going to launch our kid's clothing line pretty soon. We are calling it Pirates & Pigtails and we are starting with a few super adorable t.shirts! We'll keep you posted on all the fun details.

Third - I just wanted to share some fun pics from the past few weeks. Sadie is a delight and so much fun to be around. She sings all the time and is pretty hilarious. Last night, we were driving to a friends house and she said 'I love cars... they are so cute.' Kurt and I just cracked up.

Snowy and cold Ludington - this is just a week ago! Let me tell you, I have never seen so much snow. It was so fun to see mom & dad, relax in the hot tub, and play in the snow!

The sun is shining!!!! We got to visit the fire station for one of our friend's birthday party - it was super fun!

Bonjour Butterfly! The butterflies are blooming at Fredrick Meijer Gardens and it is such a spectacular sight. If you have not been, you must go! Sadie had a love/hate relationship with the little buggers - she adored them from far away, but as soon as one flit toward her she freaked out.