Monday, November 24, 2008

Is it Party Time... No, it's Potty Time!

Who is ready to 'POTTY'... Well, Sadie is!
About a month ago I tried putting Sadie on the potty after she got up from her nap and she actually went pee and poop... oh my goodness did we have a celebration! I thought it was a fluke, but every time I put her on the potty she would go pee (and sometimes poop).

She LOVES it and claps when she goes and waves bye bye when we flush.

Of course she has her own cushioned, purple handled potty (fits right over our big potty) and she will cross her legs, play with the toilet paper, and peep right when she sits on it. 

Sadie is pretty AWESOME!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Just some cute pictures

Sadie loves to get into the fridge - she usually ends up on the floor gnawing on the bottle of mustard. 
Hey, look at my two bottom teeth!
Our little pointer - she is pointing at everything.

helping me rake the leaves... 

and then finally playing in the leaves!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


We had such a great Halloween day with our little monkey!

Here we are getting ready to go out an trick or treat.

Going around the neighborhood with our buddies Will and Avery (our neighbor's kiddos)
Kurt had the day off, so we got to hang out as a family ALL DAY!!!! We went to swim class together and Kurt almost drowned (he lost his footing in the shallow end)... yes, quite hilarious since he is a giant! Sadie does great in swim class and LOVES the water.

Kurt's folks, Eric, and Kimberly came over and we feasted on chili and drank some spiked cider. Since Sadie is too little to understand the concept of getting candy from strangers, we visited the houses of folks we know. 

Grandma Johnson gave Sadie a little pumpkin just her size and she loved to try to eat it. 

We ended the night with a bonfire and some beers with friends. What a fantastic day!