Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Some Pictures from the past few weeks

Thanks mom & dad for taking such awesome pictures these past few weeks! 

Vacations all I ever wanted...

Vacation had to get away!

YAY, Kurt finally took a week off. The last time he had that much time off, we were moving - yuck.

We were sooooo excited to get away to the little cottage in Hagar Shores (10 miles south of South Haven) that it really didn't matter that the weather was gloomy for the entire time we were there. It was just so great to be together as a family and have Kurt around for a whole week - YAY!

We went to the beach our first day and enjoyed swimming and building sand castles. Sadie is fascinated by lady bugs there was one on a piece of driftwood that kept her attention for a long time. The weather turned and it got super windy and a little gloomy, so we packed up our beach gear and headed into South Haven for some yummy dinner at The Vineyard. This place has great pizza (Kurt says their pizza could use more sauce, but he could eat just sauce...) and is in an old church. It's a cross between old Italian mafia hangout and family restaurant - pretty nifty. 

Our next few days of vacation were gloomy, but great! We went into St. Joeseph and walked around and spent an hour or so at their children's museum. This place was AWESOME - I think Kurt and I had more fun exploring than Sadie :)

All in all, our 3 days @ the Hagar Shores cottage was delightful. We read, relaxed, played soccer, went flamingo hunting, played cards, read some more, took outdoor showers, went for walks, had a bonfire, and just had fun exploring new places. 

After our Hagar Shores adventure, we headed up to my folks place in Ludington. We went to their children's museum, ate some yummy food, relaxed in the hot tub, drank some cocktails, went on a hike in the state park, watched the Badger (car ferry from Ludington to WI) come into the harbor, and played played played. We had such a fun time on the 4th, grilling out, going to the parade, and watching the fireworks - Sadie was pretty tired, but was a trooper and would look up now and then and say 'boom' or 'pretty' - it was cute! Sunday was finally nice enough to head to the beach and we had a perfect day swimming, playing in the sand, and skim boarding (okay, we tried but didn't do so hot). 

It was so great to be in Ludington for the 4th and we couldn't believe how many people were around! Thanks mom & dad for an awesome end to our vacation - it was super fun!!!!

*note -  we also had ice cream every day of our vacation *

...and sorry that we don't have any pictures - I washed our camera a few weeks ago :( If anyone has an old digital camera they would like to loan us, that would be awesome. I am going crazy not taking any pictures.