Sunday, November 25, 2007

39 weeks... oh my, single digits until our due date!

wow, we can't believe that we are almost done with our pregnancy journey and on the brink of starting our parenting journey. we are really excited to welcome babyd to the world and to love and smudge him/her! it's amazing how much you can love someone you haven't even met.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

36 weeks... it's the final countdown!

my how time flies when you're having fun! i am doing great, just getting bigger and bigger. i feel good, we're ative, and just getting ready to welcome our little one into this world!

Friday, November 2, 2007

lil' pumpkin shower - chicago 10/28

i had such a great time at the lil' pumpkin shower, hosted graciously by marisa, gail, and denise! thanks to the ladies that came out to celebrate with me and babyd. thanks for all your generosity and support as we embark on this new adventure! below are the chicago girls and my mom (sans emily).