Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hangin' with the Coopers

We headed over to the Cooper's place last week to help out with the boys and we had such a blast. I was in charge of getting Garren off to school in the morning and I did a pretty good job, except I forgot to have them brush their teeth. Connor and Garren rode their bikes and I took Sadie in the stroller... we did great and I could handle another one for sure (just not yet). I can't believe how big those boys are getting - Garren is 6, Connor is 4, and Owen is 15 months. 

Connor loves to play dress up - here he is with Owen's surgery hat. He had it on the entire time we were there. Owen was in great spirits and is such a champ!

Smiles all over the place - Connor with his hat, Owen with his cute teeth, and Sadie just being herself - she loves hanging out with her nephews!

Bath time is the best time - taking a dip Owen

I take so many photos of Sadie that she is starting to reach for the camera. Smarty pants.

Memorial Day Weekend Fun

We had a very productive and very FABULOUS Memorial day weekend. We hope you guys had as much fun as we did. 

Eric had us over for a BBQ on Saturday and we went out on the lake for the first time of the summer and for Sadie's 1st ever boat ride! Oh my how fun - the lake was gorgeous and so quiet. The day was perfect - one of those quintessential summer days we all look forward to during those long winter days of being cooped up.

Sadie's first boat ride was so relaxing, Kurt caught her in mid yawn (or heavy metal scream). It was such a perfect evening for a boat ride - thanks Uncle Eric for having us over and the fun ride!

Sadie was fascinated by the water and the wheel of the boat and it was hard to get her to look up. She loved sitting with uncle Eric and steering us in the right direction.  Before we know it, she will actually be driving the boat...

The family on a boat ride - we LOVE summer and can't wait to spend many more days/nights on the lake.

Sunday was the Theile (Sue's side of the family) family reunion out a great park, but we couldn't stay to enjoy it since Sadie and I were feeling under the weather. We were tough and got to spend some time with the family and Sadie got to meet all the fabulous Theile's! We stopped by our neighbor's house that night for a BBQ and met some more folks from the area.

Monday was spent trying to recover from being sick and doing some much needed yard work. We ended the day with dinner at Roses and ice cream (and of course the Red Wings). 

All in all, it was a great long weekend albeit the ladies were a little under the weather.

So, we've had this little green chair for a few years and it is the perfect size for Sadie. I put her in it for the first time and she didn't really like it... She still looked so cute in it.

Oh, the lovely flowers... She loved these so much that she ended up pulling one of the gerber daisies off the stem.  Also, notice the drool - yep, we think she is in teething mode. No pearly whites yet, just lots of liquid coming down her chin! 

...and of course her flying in front of the flag - such a patriotic young lady!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Fun pictures from the past month

We've been pretty busy these last few months and they really feel like they have flown by. We are soooooo ready for some summer like temps so we can head to the lake and explore Michigan! Enjoy these random pictures from the past few months. 

We headed to Kalamazoo a few weeks ago to see Missy and her new baby girl, Sophia. Super cutie pies! Look how massive Sadie is compared to Sophia - wow, how fast they grow...

Fun times at Holland's Tulip time parade with the grandparents! This was Sadie's first parade and she was kind-of freaked out at first by the banging drums and loud noises, but soon got used to it. She ended up sleeping through most of it. 

Hmmm, what's this a sippy cup??? We tried this one out, but she's not really ready for it yet. She can't really hold it on her own. 

That's right, GO BEARS! This was a gift from Jason & Margs... we miss you guys

She really loves eating in her big girl chair - we are moving on to sweet potatoes this week!

Our first outdoor feast. Enjoying our backyard - can't wait until it's nice outside so we can spend our days outside! 

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Look who's eating like a big girl!

On mom's day, we gave the high chair a test drive and gave Sadie her first 'big girl' meal. Although half of the food comes out of her mouth, she is starting to get the hang of it! 

So proud and excited to be in her high chair - she loved it!

Eating her first 'meal' - rice cereal. Yep, I would spit it out, too! She didn't get too much in her mouth, but it was fun.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Saying Goodbye to Chicago & Hello to Michigan!

Well, it's been awhile since I've posted anything because we just now got our internet hooked-up. Moving is such a strenuous and tedious process that we are not going to do this for a very long time. We are planning on growing up, raising babies, and growing old in this house! 

Our new address is: 1422 Rosalind Rd SE, East Grand Rapids, MI 49506

We had such a great life in Chicago and had so many wonderful friends that it was really hard to say goodbye. We had a fabulous and very spicy last supper at Udupi Palace with our closest friends (thank you Margaux for organizing) and got to drink out of the boot one last time at the Brahaus. We will cherish all of our wonderful memories and look forward to coming back to visit soon and make new ones! Thanks to all of you who made such a huge impact on our lives and we look forward to all of you visiting soon.
Onto our move... it was a little hectic and thank goodness grandma & grandpa johnson were around to help with Sadie and cleaning out the place. We could not have done this without the love and support of our families! Sadie was such a trooper and went along with the flow.

Sadie among all the boxes - the packing portion of our move went great... and we didn't even pack the baby!

Hanging out with grandma & grandpa johnson in the nook

Sadie in the nook - we will miss this nook. we spent most of our time here and at one time had 12 people around this table!

Saying goodbye to some of our great friends. We will see you guys soon!

The movers we hired were HORRIBLE and please never use ASAP Vanlines for anything (and pass this along to anyone you know). I won't bore you with the details, but to summarize they broke/scratched our stuff and way overcharged us. Well, at least we got our stuff on time. 

They packed up our things on Sunday and we headed out for Michigan that evening. We closed on our place on Monday and had our stuff on Tuesday. We are still unpacking, but are making great progress. We painted the living room and dining room a taupe/neutral color and that made a huge difference (since the floors and walls were both green).

Saying goodbye to 1704 Winnemac and Chicago - we headed out for Michigan shortly after this photo.

Goodbye Chicago, we'll see you soon! Thanks for a fabulous 7 years. Onto our next chapter...