Saturday, May 9, 2009

Kurt's Bday, Hiking in Hoffmaster, Easter, Tiger's Game - it's been a busy month!

WOW, a month has already passed since my last post? So many things have happened in our lives... many glorious things and a few challenges that have made us stronger and closer. 

Sadie is a spitfire and is constantly pushing boundaries. Our latest challenge has been around her hitting, grabbing, and biting us and other kids. We just continue to be consistent with her discipline and give her lots of LOVE LOVE LOVE!

Some of the wonderful, fascinating, and fun things she is doing (that far outweigh her bad behavior) are: 
  • giving tons of hugs and kisses
  • coloring
  • dancing
  • putting shapes in the shape toy
  • playing the kazoo (yep, she's a pro)
  • playing outside and going up & down the slide by herself
  • feeding herself with a spoon
  • trying to jump, but not leaving the ground
  • saying a ton of new words like: papa, gramma, baby, outside, milk, thank you, apple, shoe, poop, dog, gentle
Enjoy the pictures from the past month or so and I promise to be more consistent with updates *note - this is a pretty long post*

I'll start with Kurt's 33rd birthday, since that was April 1st!
We had a great time hanging out with family
and enjoyed a relaxing evening at home.
Kurt is so wonderful and anytime we can celebrate his
awesomeness I am all for it.
I am so thankful that you were born!
Sadie loves to help out with projects around the house
and we finally got her a toolset so she doesn't poke
her eye out with a real screwdriver. 

Playtime with friends is the BEST time!
We are so blessed to have met such wonderful friends in the area. After only living here a year, our lives have been enriched by the friends we've gotten to know and cherish.
Thanks to all you ladies for your support, love, patience, kindness, and laughter!

3 Easters and 3 Easter egg hunts... we are pros!
Our 1st Easter was with my family up in Ludington and it was Sadie's first go with the easter egg hunt. She was a little apprehensive at first, but once she got the hang of it she was off - she actually was more fascinated with what was inside the eggs than finding more. It was so awesome spending time with my mom, dad, angie, and the 3 boys... we of course went to house of flavors - awwwww yummy ice cream!

Our 2nd Easter was with our playgroup friends - Mandy and Michele organized a hunt for the kids and families and we all brought a yummy dish to pass. It was a great way to spend a Friday afternoon with some great friends on a gorgeous day.

Our 3rd Easter (and final) was really on Easter and started with just the 3 of us and ended at Kurt's folks place with his family. It was great to hide Sadie's and Kurt's Easter baskets and watch her discover it - there were fun things like a slinky, headband, and stickers in her basket. 

Kurt's family is super awesome and his sister Lisa and her family were down from Houghton, so it was such a treat to hang out with them. We also got to see some extended family that we don't get to see very often, so that was great to catch up with them. Plus, we got some awesome outdoor toys from Kurt's cousin (princess house, coupe car, and slide)!

Connor's 5th birthday party and Tigers game
We always have such a great time when we visit the Cooper family and this time was no exception. Angie, Adam, and the boys are the best hosts and we had a blast at Connor's 5th Birthday party at the YMCA pool, playing kickball, jumping around in the bounce house, and going for walks!

Sadie and Granpa taking a nap on the way to Angie and Adam's - super adorable

...our visit ended with an impromptu Tigers game on Sunday afternoon. It was a brilliant day, so what better way to spend it than at a baseball game. It was super fun and Sadie did fantastic - she was entertained by the boys, my mom, and Angie the entire game. It really helped that Angie had a few tricks up her sleeve - the BEST being a tootsie pop (how many licks to get to the center???).

Much love and hugs to you all,
-Kurt, Alisa, and Sadie