Sadie turned 7 weeks this past Saturday and we have been having a blast! Grandma & Grandpa D were in town visiting and Kurt and I actually got to go out and hang out with friends for a night. Sadie is smiling a ton and only cries when she really needs something (eat, poop, sleep - the 3 basics). We went shopping on Michigan Avenue, had breakfast in the 'hood, and have been going for numerous walks around town. Below are some pics from Sadie's 7th week on earth: Bath time with dad is the best! Hanging out with Grandpa D! An appropriate gift from Uncle Eric - she is pretty darn perfect!
Sadie turned 6 weeks old this past Saturday and she is such a doll. She is smiling and making all sorts of cute faces... she also really digs ceiling fans. enjoy the pics from Sadie's first official photo shoot ...and her awesome elvis face!
we spend all of our days and nights together and i take a kazillion pictures of miss sadie, but we don't have any pictures of the two of us... so, without further delay a few pics of daughter + mommy!
howdy... we've had a great week and she even went through a bit of a growth spurt and gave us a true taste of NO sleep for a night! enjoy the pics/video.
Wow, how time flies when you are having a blast... Sadie is 1 month old. Below are some pictures of our big girl. She is 9 lbs 5 ounces and is 22 3/4 inches long (she is in the 90 - 95th percentile for height. no big surprises there!). She is doing all sorts of new things like giving us huge smiles and holding her head up. She is super alert and loves looking at mom and dad (and the ceiling fan). Here are some pictures/videos from the past week.