Monday, August 13, 2007

baby time weekend w/ grandma & grandpa j

(our stroller)

Well this weekend was a productive one with the help of Mom and Dad Johnson. Alisa was lucky enough to find a lot of great maternity clothes which she is really excited about. She loves the strechy pants! We also put an order in for a crib and found a stroller that is perfect for us. One that has a tall enough handle for both of us and should stand the test of time.

Here's a pic of our baby bedding (sans crib) - we are complimenting with robin's egg blue and a light lime green.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

6 months and counting

So we're now at the 6 months mark. Alisa is doing great and the baby is healthy with a strong heart beat. Alisa has been feeling kicks pretty regularly, but it hasn't been until recently that I can feel them. It's amazing. We also just celebrated our 3rd year of marriage. I am a lucky man.

(our garden is growing and so is my belly... 24 weeks)